About Time Out IT Pty Ltd - Time Out IT Pty Ltd

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Chris Schaller - Director Time Out IT

Chris Schaller

Chris' specialises in Solution Design, Technology Analysis and Project Management.  Chris’ qualifications include MCP 70-533: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions, MCP 70-483: Programming in C#, MCP 70-473: Design and Implement Cloud Data Platform Solutions, MCP 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions, MCP 70-487: Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services.

Chris is responsible for the design and supervision of the technical implementation of business requirements for both Software and Hardware applications;  
Chris also provides leadership and guidance to teams to ensure that technical objectives are achieved.
- Ensure that the latest technical standards and best practices are employed within all layers of the solution design and delivery.
- Evolve the API and software delivery to adapt quickly to newly identified commercial applications without compromising the core solution offering.
- Act as Technical Lead on projects, provide advice and variations on implementations for feature requests to maximise productivity whilst mitigating associated risks.
- Support teams to ensure the latest relevant technical certifications and qualifications are achieved and maintained to develop a high level of common understanding within the languages and technologies that will be used to deliver project outcomes.
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